Co parenting with a narcissist advice

I co parent (if you can even call it that) with someone who I fully believe has bi polar, and also an absolute narcissist. He lives across the country and sees our 4 year old twice a year with his parents. Anyway he does this thing where randomly he’ll text me ranting and raving about some random stuff from 6 years ago. I believe this is part of a mental illness. We haven’t been together for four years. We split up when my daughter was 6 months old. I’m married and have another baby with my husband, he seems to be struggling to move on. I will note he has no friends, no one in his family talks to him except his parents who are enablers of his inappropriate behavior. They do believe he has a “chemical imbalance” but they think he’ll outgrow it, he’s 31. I never play into his antics, but it’s starting to become harassment, he’ll post things on his social media and say I’m keeping her from him blah blah blah, or I desperately need his child support, obviously not true we have a court ordered custody agreement. Anyway I made a point this time to tell him if he can’t find a way to control himself and not send me these long rants that have nothing to do with our daughter I will have to make it so he’s only allowed to contact me via a court monitored email which my lawyer did suggest. His response to that? “Fine I’ll give you full custody sign my rights away and then I won’t have to pay child support” Has anyone been in a situation like this? When it’s very clear he doesn’t care about our daughter he’s just using her to get to me. This is ONE instance. It happens at least once a month and has been going on for years. Is this just something I have to deal with until she’s 18?