My bf is too hard on me *long post*

My bf and I have been having some troubles. I feel like his temper has gotten really bad. For instance, I was driving and he was with me and I made a wrong turn cause the gps confused me and he exploded at me, he got mad and said “little mistakes like these can turn into big ones and affect the way I live” another instance is when I was cooking chili and I called him to tell him he had no pinto beans and he had an irritated tone with me and said “come on man you know that charro beans are pinto beans you should know this” and I didn’t know that but I didn’t feel like he needed to react the way he did and I scolded him and told him that he constantly talks to me that way when I make a little mistake and I told him to stop doing it, he said “Okay I gotta go” and hung up on me. Him and I had talked more about it last night and I explained to him the way he talks to me and gets angry over little things is really affecting me and this relationship. There’s been multiple instances where this has happened it wasn’t just 3 times. Another one do the recent instances was when my bf got mad at me cause I didn’t want to work at McDonald’s or a fast food restaurant to make quick money, instead I told him I wanted to work in my job field considering I just graduated and I have a few options more so than he would considering he doesn’t live with his parents and he pays all of his own bills, he saw me telling him that as “lazy and it shows how ill handle life ahead” I understand that we’re in different situations and I acknowledged what he said but the issue was he got so mad about it and caused and argument about it. I told him that all the arguing and him getting mad at me was getting to me and making my depression worse, which in reality it truly was. He told me that we may not see each other for a little bit because he doesn’t want to be a stresser in my life and cause my depression to get worse and That he wants me to work on getting my state boards (cosmetology license) and focusing on my salon shadowing program instead of seeing him so often, and he even offered to bring me my shower thinngs from his apartment but I told him I barely used them at my house so he decided to keep them but he said “he’s gonna move them out of the way cause they’re in the way” which I thought was an unnecessary comment. He also told me that “him getting mad and aggressive like with me is to make sure I’m able to handle life ahead of me” I don’t think just because I made a wrong turn in the car means I don’t know how to manage life. This whole situation has me highly confused and I don’t know how to take it, a part of me feeling like he’s pushing me away instead of trying to work on the way he reacts minor mistakes. How should I take this? Is this a bad thing or a good thing?