Speech therapist with heavy foreign accent, do I request a change?


Hello all, I was hoping you could weigh in on this and help me figure out what to do. My son is 2 years and 8 months old and he was referred to EI by his pediatrician, he has been evaluated and it was decided he does need speech therapy 3 times a week for 30 minutes. With Covid and everything going on ,understandably, the whole process has been delayed and just downright frustrating. He was evaluated months ago and I believe he has improved much since, he is now finally getting set up with a speech therapist who was hoping to start working with him in September which means given he is almost 3 he would age out of it rather quickly. Let me just say he is very good at getting his point across and letting me know what he wants. He does babble more than using actual words but he knows enough to be understood not just by me but others as well. Now to get to my point, I finally get a call from the speech therapist who will be working with him and she has a very heavy foreign accent. Am I wrong to think that will only delay him further? I don't want to sound mean or discriminatory in any way because I have no issues with her personally but I have genuine concerns about this given he already struggles with words. If any of you have had this experience please let me know how that was for you. Thank you in advance

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