Postpartum after miscarriage

Tanya 🦋🌈

Our first pregnancy ended in a missed miscarriage …it was confirmed end of feb, with & D&C completed march13th 2021….. I found out alone that I was pregnant, and then found out alone (because COVID rules) at the first ultrasound there was no heartbeat …. And then went through the d&c alone… and I have no idea where my husband is at with things as he’s not a very good communicator…

We’re now 5months since the whole miscarriage and We’ve had 2 faint positives since (April & May) ….. is it possible that the depression I’ve been slipping or more so falling into could be postpartum? And or even PTSD?…… I work as a Nurse aswell, I just thought it was stress and burnout from my job, but I never thought it might be more related to my miscarriage.

I have us set up to go for counselling this week, as I do feel this whole past yr has put a lot of strain on our relationship, and also to help us better communicate with each other

I also have an appointment set to meet with my family dr to get a referral to obgyne, since I’m 35 and we are coming up on a yr of being off Birth control and no pregnancies sticking

Feeling lost, broken and so very alone through this process 😢