Baby name help!!!

Doriana • Acts 2:38 | John 3:5 📖 In Jesus’ Name✨ 🔥Apostolic Pentecostal 🔥 Mommy👩‍👦 Wife💍 Prayer Warrior 🙏💪

I’m in my 3rd trimester!! Help!!

We are waiting to know the gender at birth (exciting✨) only problem with that is, I’m struggling with a names!

We have a girl first name picked already (no middle names yet 😩)

I have 1 boy name I like “Judah Benjamin” but I’m still not positive I want “Judah” as a boy.

**Note: I want my names to be uncommon and on the lines of Biblical/meaningful.

I have 2 kids already, their first and middles names are below:

1st—Corlyn Scott (boy)

2nd—Celine Eliana (girl)