I feel defeated 😞

Ari • Do what you love 💕. Live life to the fullest😌😉

I was in a relationship with my kids father for 9yrs. For the entire relationship he was control to where he didn’t want me to work because (my job wasnt beneficial to him and he makes more than enough for two incomes). I tried going to and it was an issue (school is dumb why would want to go to school). After years of feeling trapped I finally got the courage to say “IM DONE “ because I want better for myself than just sitting at home watching my life pass me by. He wouldn’t take us on trips he wouldn’t allow company over so I lost a lot of friends because of that etc. I signed myself of for school to become an esthetician and started working. He did everything he could to sabotage me. Because of him I lost my job today.

I’m just tired. I feel like when you’re with someone you’re supposed to elevate each other not tear down your partner or anyone for that matter. He says “well it’s not my fault that you lost your job”. Yeah it was because I literally was taking my kids to work with me to do my overnight shift, I wasn’t even at this job for 3 months yet and I lost it because I would have to call out on days I had to work because he would purposely not watch the kids. I made the biggest mistake dealing with him. I don’t regret my children I just wish they were by someone who was supportive and loving and not evil and vindictive. I just feel really defeated