Am I wrong to feel upset and butthurt?


This maybe a long post.

Me and my mother have never had the best relationship. She always treated me like crap. & chose men over her children. She lost custody of me and my sisters when we were pretty young. Due to picking drugs and men over us. As we grew older we started to realize that both my father and mother weren’t that great of parents but my father made more of an effort to care for us than my mother, even if he did have an addiction problem. Anyways… my mother has always chosen my younger brother & my middle sister over my and my younger sister. I am the oldest. K is 21, J is 18 & A is 10. I expect A to get more attention & recognition because he is the youngest. But my mom goes out of her way to do SO much for K & A & it honestly hurts my feelings. For example, K goes back to school to further her education to be a paramedic- my mom makes a HUGE Facebook post about how proud she is of her etc etc. I go back to school to further my education & all I get is a “are you sure you’re gonna be able to handle that” & a “awesome” or “cool”. She goes out of her way to make A & K have awesome birthdays. Makes them dinner, cake, ice cream, presents, etc. I get a “you’re too old for that stuff now” or “you’re supposed to make your parents birthdays special at your age” she’s been saying this to me since I was 18. She also does this to my younger sister, J. She won’t go out of her way to do anything for me & J.

K went to the hospital for a migraine. My mom rushed to her side to make sure she was okay. I suffered a miscarriage back in June and was at the ER & all she could say to me was “sorry” & didn’t even offer to come.

Idk maybe I’m just overreacting but I feel like she plays favorites with her children and it really hurts my feelings.

I have a good relationship with my siblings. K is aware of what my mom does. She feels bad that she gets a better treatment than me & J. I don’t mean to make her feel bad. I have talked to my mother about how this makes me feel but I end up being the bad guy and called selfish because I feel like I’m an outcast.

Ami wrong? Am I overreacting?