I need advice

How do you moms handle stress when you do everything and can’t catch a break. I have a bad habit of doing too much and lashing out on my family and I don’t mean too but I just don’t know how to handle it when my baby is screaming and tugging at my leg while I’m trying to prepare her dinner and she’s screaming and my fiancé is asking me questions about my day at the same time when it’s obvious that I had a very bad and a long day. I just hate that I Get so upset over everything now and I never used to. I get so upset over the littlest things and I can’t even help it, I cry all the time I hate when I yell cuz my baby got into something that she shouldn’t of have but I make her cry then I feel like shit because I yelled at her for being a baby, and ughhhh I feel like I’m just being too hard on everything and everyone and idk why I don’t want too. I feel like a bad mom when I get upset at my baby when she does things that babies do and I shouldn’t feel like that right I’m a mom!! I know it’s okay to be frustrated with your babies snd kids snd family sure but I don’t want to handle it this way and idk how to go about it. I can’t just lock myself in a room and do nothing all day and focus on myself because it’s not all about me. I don’t want to ruin my daughter because I can’t keep my emotions in check. Idek if I’m being too much or if this is normal idk anything I’m just lost snd upset and pressured I just want to feel better. Someone give me some advice. Idk if this makes sense I’m legit just typing and not thinking, I can’t even focus on typing a paragraph 🤦🏽‍♀️