How to make working while pregnant bearable?

Rebecca • Wife💍 Harrisons mommy 🥰 TTC baby #2

Ladies i am a child care worker and am currently 23 weeks pregnant. This hasnt been an easy pregnancy so far and was put on medical leave for a month. I am back at work and have only been back for 2 days. But i went from 15weeks to 23weeks during my leave and i am a lot bigger and just straight up more exhausted now. Im working 8 hours a day on my feet doing some pretty physically demanding things and not able to sit down frequently to take breaks. I dont think i can do this for much longer. Im so tired and sore after work.

I need some tips on how to make it better because i cant take maternity leave until im 28 weeks. Still over a month away 😫

Do any of you have a comfortable shoe recommendation? How do you keep yourself from getting too sore in the back and legs?

Sleep length isnt the issue because i sleep as soon as i get home up until the next morning. Help!!