Fathers abandoning their kids


I get so emotional sometimes seeing the way the father of my child loves our daughter just because this is the way my father used to love me. Ever since I told my dad I was pregnant he stopped talking to me and never checked on me once while I was pregnant no matter how many times I texted him. I come from an African household where they hold you high on a pedestal and if you do what you’re not supposed to they cut you off. Luckily my mom doesn’t follow that rule and loves me unconditionally and accepted me no matter my flaws, it just saddens me how fathers will abandon their children when things don’t go their way. My daughter is three months now and still no communication from him. I pray everyday that this never happens to my daughter and that no matter what she does she’ll know she can always count on us. Is there anyone else like me if not just leave words of encouragement ❤️