Men VS Women


Do you agree with standard societal standards.

Men should always be strong and primary providers, be good at sports, never cry. Never show emotion ect.

Women should be at home, cooking, cleaning, feminine, having kids, always ready for sex, ect

I absolutely hate it. For example i hate pink, i hate that my ears are pierced (done when i was a baby) i dont wear earrings. I don't wear dresses, don't own a pair of heels. I hate most girly stuff. I like what i like ya know. I think there should be no standard let people be as they please without judgment or negative comments.

Just cause a person has a penis he was born to only be good at manly things and financially provide.

Most of the standards just don't sit right with me. Like who told everyone this is how life should be? Who are you to tell me how i should live.

Your thoughts as always no wrong answer. Everyone is entitled to feel/expect/live how they want.