Deciding for baby #2

So this might be odd to ask, but I feel like I’ll get the least amount of judgement here 😂

I’m a planner and a weeeeee bit OCD. So for our first everything went to plan and lined up to have him. We had been together years, we own a home, I finished college while pregnant, I had/have a good job. Just all the ‘it’s the perfect timing’ type events checked off perfect.

This time…..I feel like basically my plan got thrown into the dumpster fire of covid life 😂

I decided to go back to school, I don’t really love my job anymore and might be getting done. Which means our source of insurance would be gone (but I’ll have to figure that our regardless). Covid is insane and seems to be getting worse even though it seems as if our towns/cities are just trying to pretend it’s not a thing anymore. Basically the perfect check boxes I got the first go round are obliterated 😂 but our plan was always to get pregnant maybe once our son was 2-3 and he’ll obviously be 2 next month. And we do still want a second

So I guess my question is…is this how having the second/rest goes?! 😂 just kind of wing it and expect you’ll figure it out on the way? Was your second as planned out life wise as your first? Or vice versa? I have questions and my OCD brain is struggling to throw out the plan 🙈

Please no rude comments or rudely saying we should wait. It’ll be within the next year or so, just semi freaked out about the transition 😂