Update In Laws taking son on trip


Hey guys! I made a post a couple of days ago about my MIL taking my son to the zoo which is quite a ways away for his first road trip without me and how she didn’t bother to communicate these plans she was making with my FIL and SIL.

*Day after zoo* Of course, them going to the zoo was a wonderful plan especially since my parents who live abroad have taken him to the zoo (with me and my husband because we actually enjoy spending time with them :p) so there were no issues in me thinking it wasn’t okay for them to take him there. I just didn’t like the way the plan was executed and neither did my husband and apparently the day of the zoo, neither did my FIL. He got upset with my MIL acting like she had spoken with me about it and he decided he didn’t want to be a part of a sneak like that. So he unfortunately didn’t go which was too bad because he’s the only one who respects my husband and I as new parents who quite often can make mistakes but we are nonetheless the parents of their grandchild.

Anyway my MIL, SIL and my son had a wonderful time! They sent me photos and pics and it was SO sweet!!! But my husband and I asked that my son be back by 5:00 that evening because my cousins from abroad were here to visit for the first time and we were all going out to dinner. But my MIL didn’t bring him back until almost TWO hours later! We had to push our reservation. I didn’t say anything because I let her bully me but we were not happy. My husband and I spoke about her behavior leading up to the zoo and then not dropping him off on time that night. My husband wants to talk to her because he thinks that this is how she is and she’s never respected us since our dude was born and he wants to bite this in the bud before it gets worse but I think that because she was clearly excited about making these plans with her grandchild and daughter, she may have been a bit too presumptuous but I’ll let it pass this first time and if she does it again then I may consider saying something.