TV time

Hi mommies.

How do you feel about (a lot of) tv time for a 13 mo old?

Well it's getting me a bit frustrated.

My husband always watches tv with our 1 yo.

And I'm not saying 30 minutes - 2 hours but at least over 3 hrs to probably more like 4 hrs per day or longer.

I told him I don't want the tv on for so long. Not for our baby but also not for him when he's watching the baby. Like he's not interacting with him at all.. That's definitely not good for his connection to people, it's just no good for our baby.

Even more so is that he pins him down in front of the tv when he's trying to get him to sleep. And yes of course he sleeps eventually but I really don't appreciate it. But my husband doesn't take my concerns into any regard.

When I refer him to studies or articles he tells me I read too much but still doesn't take anything I say into regard.

I'm at a loss 😫

How do I get my husband to actually value my opinion.

When I get totally at a loss and desperately shout at him how it's seriously bad for him, he basically switches to a baby post saying his eldest son learned how to count to 10 in english (we're not native to english) thanks to the tv (with dora) so watching tv isn't bad for him. Because that one instance with one child is definite proof tv is good for young children and babies 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

He's 13 months. I don't need him to count to 10 on english. I want him to connect to his family.