Feeling defeated


My husband and I have been TTC actively for the last 7-8 months now. I was doing the ovulation tests and the sex every other day thing and it started feeling like a chore and one that right around when my period was supposed to start I would start hyper analyzing my body. This past month I didn’t do ovulation test and we just had fun. We ended up having sex seven times around my fertile window time and I was so excited. I was even two days late before my period arrived. Now I’m back to being down and upset because it’s yet another month of thinking and hoping and realizing that I am not pregnant again. I don’t know what to do. I want to just have faith that it will happen eventually but I’m worried. My son is almost three and I never wanted children too far apart in age plus my husband just turned 43. I just need something to help me keep going. Do I start finding some fertility aid at this point…we have an appointment in November for a fertility company but I am impatient….