Toddler pulled off one of his butterfly stitches. What am I supposed to do now? Place he got them at is closed.

Visceral Mercenary • May you find your worth in the waking world.

My son who is almost 3 busted open his chin about an hour and a half ago. They said he just barely got away with being able to use steri strips (butterfly stitches) instead of regular stitches. I told the doctor who applied them that he was a picker and asked if he would he able to take them off and the doctor said no. But an hour later, he has peeled off one of the five they applied. Trying my best to keep him from picking at the rest but my son has autism and is nonverbal so it isn't as easy to keep him from doing things as it is with a 3 y/o who speaks and understands what you say.

The clinic where I went is currently closed so I can't call and ask what I am supposed to do. His pediatrician isn't open on Sundays or that's where we'd have gone. Surely he does not need to go to the ER to get this one steri strip replaced, right? I'd rather not expose him to people in the ER who may have Covid, unless I absolutely have to.

Picture so you can see what is exposed behind the missing strip.