How do I stop nursing my baby to sleep?


So my son is just over 6 months old. When he was much younger he took the bottle as well as breastfeeding. But he started to prefer the breast over the bottle even tho it was breastmilk in the bottle.

Now I know I shouldn't have but when I wanted to put him down for a nap or for the night I would let him nurse to sleep. Ftm here, I absolutely fell in love the bonding that comes with breastfeeding, and even tho I knew I would probably regret it later, at the time I didn't mind him nursing to sleep.

However now it's become a bit of problem. He doesn't want to sleep unless he being nursed to sleep. Breastfeeding him till he's drowsy and switching to rocking him to sleep only makes him cry and he doesn't take a soother.

I'm thinking I'm going to have to bring the bottle back but idk. Any advice or suggestions anyone would have please let me know!

It's made leaving the house almost impossible because he just doesn't want to go to sleep otherwise. And being away from home with a grumpy, overtired baby isn't fun.

I would like to continue to breastfeeding him without having to nursing him to sleep but my mom seems to think that I need to stop completely and just pump and give it to him in the bottle.

So if anyone had any ideas or something that they tried with their little 1 let me know!