Why does everyone expect couples to have several children - and close in age?


I'm just tired. When I had my daughter I said for a loooong time I wasn't sure I would get another. It was very obvious the rest of the world expected ud to.

Last year when she got past 1½ years I could see myself getting another, at some point.

I've expressed this without hesitation from that point on. Yet people still encourage me to get them close in age and remind me frequently I shouldn't wait too long (I don't believe there is such a thing as a perfect age gap so it makes me tired)..

But we said we wanted another. But me and my husband. Someone in the family said out loud when conceiving their first, that it was a long struggle. We haven't had a long struggle yet, but I hoped people would keep it in mind when asking.

Yet someone recently told me to not wait too long as it would be such a shame for the children to be too far apart 🤦🏻‍♀️

I'm taking the mental load and physical load as my husband is handicapped. And they've NEVER offered their support not even when my husband was in surgery and I had a small baby. And then she says I can't wait too long??

Fuck off lady.. Apperently we need to be in a place where we can handle ourselves, the oldest and a newborn before trying for a newborn. Anything else is just stupid 🤷🏻‍♀️

And that was my vent for today.. Thanks for listening 👂