I make terrible sleepers ??


Im sure I’ve made all my babies terrible sleepers I feel like we’ve tried everything at some point…I just gave up and rocked/nursed to sleep but clearly I’m doing something wrong because it Doesn’t work long term and I think they just don’t know how to fall asleep and stay asleep alone?! I have 3, they all start out in their beds and spend most the night in their beds but eventually older 2 end up in my bed…My youngest 1.5 is still in his crib in his room but I rock him for about 30mins and he will sleep 12 hrs waking usually once for milk, I do the same for naps but he usually wakes when he feels the crib and screams for about 15mins and sometimes falls asleep…the other day he flung himself out of the crib, we lowered it but I think he’s about and inch from being able to escape😫… I’m having my 4th soon and wondering how can we all get better sleep????? I’m also a terrible sleeper and wake a million times at night for no reason…so maybe it’s genetic..lol I follow taking cara babies but honestly don’t know if I could justify buying the actual program… we have a set routine bath, book, sound machine, pitch black rooms, all the things, they also sleep 7-7 is that too long to expect them to sleep? My oldest is 6…. Do I just need to be more strict? Maybe throw them all in one room with melatonin …lol… Idk I’m at a loss….