Curious about different dog training styles..prefer someone very experienced with dogs to answer

So I've been looking into getting a dog myself..I've never been old enough to train one myself so I'm trying to learn as much as I can. I live a pretty structured life so I know I would thrive off of having a dog.. I've notice there are different ways to train them.

Some people lead with a strong hand and go for the more disciplinary approach..not afraid to tell the dog a simply but firm "No."

Other people train by redirecting them. Such as when a puppy is chewing on something they're not supposed to they switch it out for a chew toy. And that's that.

..I'm sure there are different times when either would be more appropriate, I'm just struggling to choose which would be my main approach. Obviously when a dog's still learning your boundaries for what is acceptable behavior and what is not they shouldn't be scolded, so this is when the redirecting should take place.

However, I'm not to sure if constantly redirecting is going to work all the time every time? But then again, idk.

I'd prefer someone who's raised dogs their whole life or even a dog trainer to answer.