32 weeks pregnant: uncomfortable period-like cramping for the past 4 nights....

Sarah • 34 y/o. Baby boy born Jan 15, 2020. Pregnant with # 2. Stepmom to a 14 year old.

Hey ladies! I'll probably post this in a pregnancy group for more answers, but thought I'd toss it here as well! (And I AM calling my midwife in a couple hours when it's not so early.... lol) Just want to hear personal experiences.

I'm now 32 weeks pregnant (baby #2), and for the past 4 nights, like clockwork, around 4am and lasting for a couple hours- I've been having bad period-like cramps. I'm unable to get back to sleep because of it. I'm drinking lots of water, baby is active, and I've tried going #2 every time (thinking maybe it's just a poop haha). No blood, no mucus plug, no waters. Just heavy cramping as if having a bad period.

This is baby #2, but I didn't experience this with my 1st at all. No Braxton hicks, nothing! I had to be induced at 41 weeks so none of this is familiar for me. So I just wanted your personal experiences with cramping at 32 weeks. I'll rely on my midwife for (proper) medical diagnosis. But i just want to hear what your experience was with cramping this early. (Of course Google is the devil and telling me it's preterm labor haha)