Daughter cut her dad off

I've been experiencing a four year battle with my ex and his now wife. Prior to their relationship myself, my husband and his co-parenting was top notch. My husband and ex even did daddy/daughter dates together with her but a new woman came in and everything changed. I tried to slowly have some type of positive relationship with her but this woman was oozing with bad vibes. Within a few months my daughter started describing her as Cinderella's step mom, said she sucked the fun out of her dad and he is so mean now. We never had a court ordered visitation but all of a sudden that was a big issue we got one he actually started seeing her alot less, also started paying alot in child support. He'd always been around so there was no need for any of that. It was his wife's idea but it ended up being my fault somehow so we go back and forth for 4 years. It got really ugly, my daughter is 16 now, in our state the judge will let her decide which parent she wants to stay with and/or visit. My daughter has never liked this woman for good reason, she had been hoping to get her dad back but to no avail so in one of their recent court stunts, my daughter was brought in to speak to the judge she told the judge she never wants to see her dad again. They raised hell but the judge said that was fine. Visitation order remained intact but again the judge will not make her go with him if she doesn't want to so every other weekend my ex and his gf pull up with police, officer speaks to my daughter, they deliver the news to them and I'm the villian. I don't really care about them my concern is my daughter, I talked with her, asked if she felt comfortable speaking to a therapist, she agreed, had a first visit this afternoon but I still feel like I'm not doing enough.

Any advice?

SN: Ever since I got served with visitation I only communicate with them through my lawyer, not a good idea to assume we speak badly about them in front of my daughter cuz we don't. They speak, mostly the wife, bad about me and my husband I don't hate that woman all of her issues sounds like a personal problem. My only focus through this entire time has been my daughter I felt like I didn't do enough uplifting and encouraging she used to be so depressed but since she made her decision she's having some progress