Bedtime troubles


Please help this Momma out!

My girl (2 +2 months) as been completely unruly at bedtime.

Background... I have gone back to work after being home for 2 years, she started daycare , her daycare closed because of Covid, and she has been staying with my parents during the day for the last 2 weeks.

We have clear expectations for bath and bedtime, the same that we have always had.

But now we cut bathtime short because she won't sit still and is splashing water everywhere.

She won't let us brush her teeth... she runs around... kicks and jumps trying to out her pullup on... won't let me brush her hair... runs around when I am trying to get her dressed.

Tonight she wouldn't sit still long enough to read her bedtime books so we just out her in the bed...

I know she is just going through a lot with all of the transitions and is seeking attention. But I need advice.

How would you handle it?