Lifesum is confusing!!!

I use lifesum to track my food because I like it more that MyFitnessPal

But it changes up what it tells me is healthy or not

And I’m not talking about the overall rating of the meal because I know a lot factors into that

I’m talking about a rating on a food itself

Like if you scan something it’ll tell you if it’s healthy or not, but lately mine has been telling me certain things Are off track but in the past it would tell me they were either healthy or perfect

For example it used to tell me my hummus was healthy and now it says it’s off track

Or it used to say my oatmeal was perfect and now it’s off track….. and again, I’m not talking about the overall rating off the meal, I’m talking about for the food item itself.

Today I went to scan the popcorn I snack on which has always given me a balanced rating and now it’s telling me it’s off track

Does this maybe have to do with what I eat earlier in the week?? Like does it change depending on what I eat the days before??