Baby Weight Struggle


Hey Mommies!

My daughter had her 4th month visit with the Pediatrician. She is weighing in at 12lbs 5 oz. She has gained a pound in two months. The doctor is a bit concern with her weight, but says that my baby is strong, alert and meeting all her milestones. She just wants her to gain a little more weight.

I was asked to start cereal only, but she doesn't seem to like it. We are going on 5 days now and still nothing.

I feed her 4 oz every 3 hours and try to fit in more feedings, but she gives us cues when she doesn't want it. She pushes the nipple with her tongue and moves her head away.

I don't know what else to do! Are there any suggestions?

I am very emotional when it comes to her. I want her to be healthy and happy!

It definitely does not help that I had a loss at 25 weeks in 2019. This makes me over analyze everything.