I have a bee problem pt 2.... update

Chef Cara • Currently cook for a fine dining restaurant in Traverse City. Single, 29, chef, would love to be a mom someday.

They are not bees they're wasps but I've been having this issue since Monday night when I kept finding several in my bedroom and I put in a work order that night and the maintenance came to spray Tuesday first thing in the morning. He told me that it will take a couple of days for them to die off. I found quite a bit more Tuesday. I just figured they were trying to get away from the chemicals. Wednesday I found 3 on the window 1 was dead. Thursday I killed 3 more in the bathroom, hallway and living room. I left town Thursday afternoon and came back this morning. I walk in my apartment and kill 6 wasps all together.

Apparently they made a nest behind the electrical box that's next to my bedroom and there's a ton of them flying nearby. If I could get a picture from inside my room of the area I'll post it later. There are some in the furnace room that's outside on the patio. The maintenance and the office talked and had said if I was still having problems by Monday they would call an exterminator to take care of it.

I haven't felt comfortable in my own home all week and was hoping to relax after I got back so now I'm thinking of going to a hotel for the night. Thank goodness I'm not allergic but I don't want to get stung while I'm sleeping. I'm more annoyed and stressed than anything. The maintenance and the office lady did a walk through while I was gone and found some as well. There's been over 20 wasps in my apartment this week.

Maintenance is currently here spraying and I just happened to go in my apartment while they're outside working and there's a wasp in my bedroom. I don't know what else to do.

Edit: As maintenance was leaving he said he will be talking with management and calling the exterminator at 8am tomorrow. So far since they left I've only killed 1 wasp but I'm not letting my guard down.

This is where the wasp nest is located. It's right outside my bedroom. They sprayed foam, powder and raid where the nest is as well as around the exterior. They taped up the vents because they lead to the furnace outside which will eventually lead them inside.

Update: The exterminator came this morning while I was gone and took care of it and went through the walls and stuff. The apartment office said it may take a couple days for them to fully die off so I may see a couple here and there but I should be good now🤞