Possible autism?


Hello all! My daughter is 28 months or roughly 2.5 years old or so. Went to her dr appointment recently and her ped referred her to get an autism evaluation. Any experience with these? What would I do exactly? Expectations,

So far my daughter:

1.Only says “Apple” and “ma”

2.Used to stand on her tip toes only- this went away

3.Doesn’t respond to her name unless we yell

4.Obsessed with stacking those big lego blocks

5.Obsessed with stroking plushies that specifically has to have tiny stubby legs or arms with her thumb and pointer finger

6. Doesn’t play with kids or her sister AT ALL.

What bewilders me the most is how she doesn’t play with others and how she is obsessed with stroking plushies in this manner. Any mamas out there with toddlers that does this? Im assuming she does the stroking to calm down or because it’s relaxing…. TIA❤️