Work or not, does your man help with night wakings from the little ones?


My husband works 10 hr days but b/c of that, gets 3 days off a week. I’m a SAHM, and so I figured it’s only right that I be the one to get up at night with the kids (24 & 11 month old). I’m not the one that has to get up early in morning to go to work…But. Right now the kiddos are going through sleep training cause baby number 3 is on the way (13wks in), essentially all of which I’m doing alone. My husband tried to handle the baby while I worked on our toddler, but after having to do 2 checks he said he was done with it and told me to take over. Also on the weekends he sleeps in, typically anywhere from 730-10…every day that he has off. He’s only ever offered to let me sleep in twice. I don’t mind getting up at night with the kids and stuff, but on particularly bad nights it has me wondering if my guy is one the only ones who doesn’t even express a desire to help, work or no work.

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