Attention all moms! Please take a second to respond if you can!


When did your kids start to crawl/walk? My daughter is 10 months old and just now able to bear some type of weight on her feet. She hates it and cries and can only do it if I’m holding her up. She still can’t crawl and won’t even attempt to get on her hands or knees or show any other signs of being able to crawl. She can sit unassisted but still can’t get into the sitting position on her own. Currently she has been in virtual therapy for about a month and a half but it doesn’t seem to be doing much since it isn’t hands on. I try to do everything I can here to help her advance but she just refuses. She HATES tummy time and has since a newborn. She screams bloody murder. She raises her feet and refuses to put them on the ground unless I lock her knees in and hold her up myself and even then she’ll either throw herself back or bend over to where her head is on the ground. I found out I’m pregnant again and this second baby will be here when she’s 18 months. I’m just deathly afraid she won’t be walking by that time and she’ll still be really behind since she can barely bare weight now at almost 11 months. Have any of you been through the same thing?? Please I’m desperate for any advice or people to comment who have been through this personally. When did your baby start crawling(if they even did at all) and walking? E