Can a staph infection go away without oral antibiotics?

I have a 22 month old daughter, and she has a staph infection on her cheek. I took her to the doctor and they prescribed her a topical antibiotic cream. Is this enough for a staph infection to go away??? I am so nervous because i know a staph infection can be deadly and I am so worried she is going to die.

I asked for an oral antibiotic, and the doctor said they use an ointment, and if it doesn’t Improve in 3 days, or if it gets worse, then they move to an oral. This doesn’t make sense to me, like I know doctors are hesitant to prescribe antibiotics right away, but this is something that could potentially be deadly, so why wouldn’t they give her more?! My daughter has never been on antibiotics before so it’s not like she’s going to build up a resistance.

So that was yesterday. Today I called the doctor and told her it looked worse- it actually doesn’t look worse, but it doesn’t look better either, so I was hoping she would just prescribe something else. She asked me to send a picture, so I email her, and she responds she doesn’t think it looks worse and to wait.

I am so upset. I don’t want my baby to end up in the hospital or even worse. I am afraid she is not going to wake up in the morning and I can’t sleep.

Does anyone know, can a staph infection go away without oral antibiotics, and just an ointment?? know it’s a serious infection and I just don’t see how it can get better without it. I don’t know what’s going to happen the next few days.