As an adult, how long do you stay in a custodial job?

I'm a cleaner for Macy's. I have a 7.5 hour shift to clean everything by myself 5 days a week. There is a very long list of things to do, and for the sake of keeping this brief, I'll just say its a completely shit, terrible, stressful job and I'm treated very poorly. The details of what I do aren't needed.
 My issue here is that I'm an adult, not someone right out of high school. But at the moment this is the job I could get, and what I needed. I only want to stay in this job as long as I have to, to be able to put it on my resume. 
(Ive moved countries and this is my first job in this country, so I NEED to be able to put it on my resume).
How long should you stay in a custodial job to be able to put it on your resume?
A custodial job doesn't change and there is no opportunity for advancement. It can't even be called a stepping stone in my career. Its just a job that provides money. I do the same thing every day, day in and day out. Its also not a job that I can "make a difference in". I have a list of things to do and do them.
So being that this job is so unchanging, I'm not sure of an acceptable amount of time to stay in it so that it doesn't look bad to an employer if I leave before a year of being in it

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