Should I tell him?

Before my boyfriend (lets call him B) and I started officially dating I was hanging out with another guy (A). Down the road A wanted to just be friends which I happily accepted and B and I became a couple.

During the summer I took the semester off and went back home. This caused me to be away from them both. B and I became long distance.

I am back in college now and I have had a chance to hang out with B and A (not together). At this point B doesn't know anything about A. A knows a little about B. Also I would like to mention A and I only hung out through zoom because of COVID.

Now back in college I have had three chances to hang out with A in person. 4 of those chances (first time and last time) I will be talking about.

The first time A and I hang out we went to Penera Bread and went to his cousins house. We were alone together. While we are alone we decided to watch a movie. During the movie he keeps making "its never to late to cheat" jokes. I of course start laughing it off because he likes to make dark and controversial jokes. Then while we are watching the movie he finds every opportunity to touch me (arms and legs) and even at one point got me to lay on top/next to him (we were on a coach). At the same time of him doing all of this he kept asking me if he was making me uncomfortable and if he was making me uncomfortable all I had to do was tell him to stop. Part of me wanted him to stop because I didn't want to hurt my bf in anyway, he slowly became less of what I liked, and it was wrong of him to try anything on me because he's the one who just wanted to be friends in the first place. The other part of me didn't want him to stop because I kinda liked him, I wasn't satisfied with my sex life with B, and I didn't want him to stop liking me as a friend.

So I did the worse thing ever and kissed him. And after we kissed he fingered me while I gave him an handjob. While we were doing what we were doing I felt regret and unsatisfied and kept yelling in my head what was wrong with me. In the end he finished and I was in regret.

Over the next few months B and I have had a lot of discussion about me not being satisfied with our sex life and everything else regarding our relationship and how we shouldn't keep anything from each other. Which in response I told him how I wasn't satisfied with our sex life. So now we are in the process of fixing that.

Now the last time A and I hung out which was very recent we watched a movie and starts touching me again. But this time I didn't do anything. Also B called and found out who I was hanging out with which I told him.

Later on B calls me and gives me a whole big speech about if i am ever unsatisfied I should tell him. Which in response I told B how A is just a friend and we started seeing each other before B and I got officially together and that A and I decided to become just friends.

Now this weekend B saw a text between A and I about how although I didn't feel uncomfortable about him touching me I wanted to stay just friends with him because i didn't want to hurt B. A agreed with my request. B has told me if A every tries it again I have to tell him.

I know this is long but my question is should I tell B about what happened the first time A and I hung out the first time in person? Or should I keep it to myself?