5 mo old wakes up all night long

I’m desperate. She’s been doing this for 8-10 weeks so it’s not a regression. Waking literally every single hour and can only be calmed by nursing back to sleep. She will absolutely not take a paci I have tried several brands and multiple attempts. Th only thing that soothes her is nursing and I can’t just stay up all night doin this as I have a 2 year old as well. I DO NOT WANT TO BEDSHARE. I do not feel good about it and don’t want that at all.

I use a sound machine. She rolls every direction so no more swaddle.

She falls right back to sleep easily but just can’t stay asleep or get into a deep sleep.

So really the underlying issue is helping her to get in a deep sleep. Even when she falls asleep on her own she still wakes all night.

She has a very consistent nap routine and takes good naps.

Consistent bedtime as well.

Am I going to have to do cry it out?!

She’s the best most content baby during the day so idk what to do.