26 never been kissed do I tell the guy?


Hi Ladies! So like the title says I am 26 and have never been kissed aka I haven’t done anything with a guy before. I started to put myself out there and have gone on a handful of first dates and normally when it gets brought up I will tell the guy I’m not that experienced or whatever normally don’t go into to much detail because then I feel like a pet project… it’s uncomfortable with the wrong guy. BUT I just started to see this guy and I am excited about him we have gone on 2 dates and he is very respectful and it hasn’t come up because that’s just not what we talk about. Which is a nice change of pace! Anyways do I tell him because I think he might have been going in for a kiss at the end of our 2nd date and I completely missed it 🙈 I don’t want to feel shame or negative feelings about it because I built the walls to protect myself, I am working on myself and knocking the walls down. Any advice is welcome!