Mommy feeling overwhelmed

Any other moms just feeling totally overwhelmed, tired, exhausted, frustrated, just totally running on empty?

I have 2 girls under 2 and for whatever reason today I just feel so defeated. I feel super emotional for no reason. So tired and depressed. Everything seems to be annoying me and setting me off today. My partner helps here and there but he need guidance on doing stuff so I’m always having to tell him do this do that and it’s exhausting. My 2 year old is right smack in the 2 year old melt down phase where everything sets her off. And my 11 month old is teething bad. Just a lot going on at once and I feel so down and just done. I’m a stay at home mom and some days are tougher than others. But lately I’m constantly stressing about finances due to only having my husbands income now. Any other moms feel me? Just a mini vent but always good to get stuff of your chest….