Updated - baby won’t stop night feeding


Hi mamas! My baby is 5 months old and she has a big appetite for all things food. We just started solids and she loves everything! That said, my hope was that with a fuller tummy, she will stop wanting to feed at night. It’s not the case - she gulps down about 400 ml in her sleep from her 1100 ml in total per day. She’s formula fed since month 2, and she doesn’t have weight problems, I feel like I should add. She’s just a very tall, very active baby. Our doctor advices me to keep feeding her at night for as long as she wants to, but it’s really worn me and my husband down. Does anyone have any advice? Is night feeding something anyone else is struggling with?

Updated: Just a few weeks after this post my baby started sleeping through the night 🥳 It happened without any intervention on my part - I kept up the night feeds and gave her as much as she wanted. What changed was that she began feeding more efficiently during the day - finishing her entire bottle at every meal. Then she began sleeping longer and longer between night feeds, and today she slept soundly until 5 AM! To a tired mum this is a major success 💐 So mums of sleep-feeders, don’t lose hope! Relief might be just around the corner 💖