New to anxiety


I posted this in the anxiety section but no one seems to comment there….

Long story short I’m 38 years old and have a 2 year old daughter. I got really sick back in August 2021 and it lasted for 9 weeks. I was beyond nauseous, could hardly get out of bed sometimes, and couldn’t keep anything down it was coming out both ends constantly. I lost 20 pounds in 9 weeks. I went to the hospital for the second time and finally the doctor realized I had a severe bacterial infection in my stomach and a severe UTI. I’m healed from that now but my anxiety is crazy! I have had it very mild my entire adult life but since this sickness it’s been so present. I have had 3 anxiety attacks once as recent as yesterday. I ended up having to take 1/2 of one of my fiancé’s Ativan to calm myself down. Usually I can do it with breathing and self talk but it was just getting worse. I have headaches, some dizzy spells, muscles aches under my left arm pit, above my left breast, and my left shoulder blade. I have had my heart checked and it was all normal. I’m clenching my jaw like crazy now too and barely sleeping. So my question is does this sound like anxiety??? I see my doctor in 4 days and he wants to talk about putting me on shorty term or long term medication. Which I really do think I need. Any advice or suggestions on what medication would be very helpful. This is all super new to me.