Please help

So i went on a trip to Mexico. During my trip, i got some bug bites (mosquitos) and it was itchy but stopped itching after awhile. Now they are disappearing.

Monday i went back to work and i felt something on my leg and i assumed it was ants bc it happened after i was outside on my break. Monday night on my left leg i have 4 itchy spots: a red welt beside my knee, on my foot, on my ankle, and behind my calf. They itch so much and feel like they sting. I thought they were mosquitos bites but it’s been days and they still itch and swell. Any ideas of what they are? Are they fire ants bites? It’s been days and it still itch and hurt. I’ve been scratching them a lot because they hurt. So i know for sure these aren’t mosquitos bites.

I’ve been putting hydrocortisone cream, bendrayl cream, tiger balm and taking ibuprofen for the swelling and itching.

What can i do to make it stop? This never happened before so I’m confused on what it is and i tried googling it and it’s not helpful. When should i go to the doctors?