Friends with naked girl on fb

So long story short. My boyfriend and I have been together for a while now . 4years to be exact. Through the relationship whenever someone tries something with him, he tells me. Unfortunately there has been like 3 girls that have hit on him and etc and that was when we barely had some months together.

Well from one of those 3 girls was his step sister. She knew he was with me. Everyone knew. As he always presents me as his girlfriend to anyone he knows. He even presented me to his previous barber the one time I went with him. I should probably add that he is very talkative will talk to anyone, from the oldest to youngest person in the room. He gets along with everyone. -just so y’all can get an the of how he is.

Okay so back to the problem. One night like 2-3 years ago, he calls me and tells me that he has something important to tell me that it has to be in person. I don’t remember if we saw each other the night it happened or the day after. Well we see each other and he’s a bit off, I asked what was what he needed to tell me and he said that his sister was in the room naked when he came back from the restroom. He opened the door and saw her naked and just left. That’s when he called me. I was shocked because this girl would talk to me all fine and would even ask how him and I were doing. Even after the incident she talked to me all normal like if nothing happened.

My boyfriend’s father’s relationship didn’t work out with her mom and they got divorced. But my bf is still in good terms with everyone from her family (even her). Well on Saturday I was with my mans and he was in fb when I saw that he had her as a friend. I asked why he would have her after what she had done and he was like she’s my sister. I was like no. He corrected himself and said she was my sister . I said yeah the one that basically offered herself to you. He eventually blocked her as he saw that I was upset and uncomfortable.

But y’all like wtf. Why would he even accept her in the first place. Am I wrong for getting upset? or I should let it go since it happened a long time ago? Oh I should mention that he just recently made this new fb account like last year around this time.

I should also mention that whenever the step mom started dating my FIL and when they got officially together, the daughter would go to their house too and somethings go with the couple or stay at my boyfriends house. 6 days of the week my boyfriend and I were always together. So they were never close but the step mom wanted them to get along like “real siblings.” I felt like she never liked me and I wasn’t asked to even part of their wedding. LOL. My boyfriend is a wonderful person, everyone told me that I was lucky to have him, even my mom would push me to talk to him before we even started talking. So idk I feel like the step mom wanted my boyfriend to be with her daughter as at the time the daughter was in a abusive relationship.