TMI: ECP Bleed, Implantation, or Period?


Hello! This will be TMI but i really want to figure out whether i’m pregnant. I’m really stressing and would love if someone could help me figure this out.

My last period was between 7-11th October. My boyfriend and I had unprotected sex on 14th Oct and then again on 18th Oct. Both times he was successfully able to pull out. However, to be sure that we’re staying safe. I took Plan B (ECP) on 19th Oct (the second time we had sex this cycle).

We had protected sex (with condom) yesterday, 25th Oct. I had another Plan B (ECP) just in case. Today, 26th Oct, I woke up feeling pretty fatigued and lazy. I peed and saw a brown clot in the toilet - might be half an inch in length. When i wiped myself, I saw brown discharge on the tissue paper.

Then, i wore a pad just in case it happened again and after 6-7 hours, this is what the pad looked like (attaching a picture). I’m having mild cramps near ovaries and uterus area where I usually have cramps during my period. But the discharge looks different than usual. I always get brown discharge on the first day or the first few hours of my period but its never this dark or less in quantity. My next period is actually due on 4th November, so this is 9 days early. My period is always on time (28 day cycle)

Can anyone tell me whether this is bleeding as a result of Plan B (ECP) or if it is implantation bleeding?? If this is from ECP, will I get my period again on 4th or is this it? My period is medium-flow and this is incredibly light… I’m worried I might be pregnant.