Pregnant or not? **Final !!UPDATE** READ IF YOU USE CLEARBLUE2


I took the clear blue at around 3 pm after waiting 3 minutes those where the results. I didnt dip the test i peed on the stick . 🤦🏾 which i neverrr do i didnt exspect to see anything so when i saw a positive test i was shocked ! i tried to pee again quickly and hardly got anything 🤦🏾🤦🏾 and tested again and i got 2 negative results. Should i just go with the 1st test?

UPDATE !!!!!

So i held my urine for a few and tested again and wowwwwww big fat nevativeeee! How in the hell did a false positive show up so good . i have neverrrr had this happen . maybe a faint faint line but nothing like this ... Wow ...


I took another clear blue and a first response I was so shocked by the positive on the Clearblue because I wasn't supposed to test until either Friday Saturday or Sunday that's why I'm in shock to have gotten a positive

So ill update again once the actual day comes to test . im still in shock btw

3rd update :

Okay so ive ben testing every other day and today about 20 minutes ago i think i have 3 bfps!!!! Very very faint on all and you can see more in person but they are all there 😳😃!!!

The other day i took a wal mart cheapie and there was a very faint line that shows up after the test has ben sitting but after about 2 minutes i see 2 lines!. So i look at my other tests and i cant believe my eyes the other tests have lines as well! Yesterday and today i had random spotting of pink and brown not enough to wear a liner but there when you wipe . so ill keep testing and keep updating. Say a special prayer 4 me .

The pic on the right was taken about a day or so ago . the left was today

**((Update #4))**

Just took one more and I see faint lines as well but this time I watched the dye go across and I saw the line I didn't have to wait until about 2 minutes to check looks hopeful . also still ver light random spotting like when i wipe

**(( UPDATE #4))**

So here is the final update for this cycle .... So as you can see these are some of the tests i took that are obviously dey now . some are yellow ..yes .. I definitely had lines on allll my tests and it really shows now . up until the day before AF i had a faint line . oct 31st was the last line i saw ... The next day af showed up . so im not sure whats going on but for the past 3 months before AF i get these faint lines . its lile the HPT detect something lile a LH surge or something! And i get a positive result. My opks also almost turn positive . i know you can have a surge before AF so . yeah .. Idk im scared to ttc or anything or even test! Because i always have a line eventually... So no baby this cycle.. Im not sure if we will even try to again...