Weaning from the pump

CBH✨ (she/her) • 41yo mama to Maslow (6/27/21). Montessori-ish, pro-science, pro-choice, anti-racist, anti-fascist, queer & vegan.

Hey y’all. My babe is four months old and I’ve been exclusively pumping most of his life. We tried everything, lactation consultants, breastfeeding medicine specialists, supplements, hydration, pumpin pals, the whole nine yards and I’ve still never produced enough to give him breastmilk exclusively.

I’m tired, my nips hurt, and all I can think about is how much more time i’d have to engage with him and like BREATHE, if I wasn’t attached to a pump four freaking hours (collectively) a day. I’ve been thinking about it a lot and even though it’s very emotional, this is the move for us at this point. So in the spirit of “happy mama happy baby” and “fed is best” - it’s time to wean from the pump. I’d love the hive minds tips and tricks for doing it safely and effectively to hopefully avoid clogs, mastitis, etc.

Thanks in advance for your help ♥️