NEI’m so frustrated that my fiancé hardly has sex with me

Me and my fiancé have been together for 2 and a half years. We had a baby 6 months ago…

We have sex once every 10 days IF THAT

I always ask him if there’s something wrong and he says it’s just him that doesn’t feel the need to have sex often.

He’s 31 , I’m 23.

I feel like sex makes me feel more attractive (especially after having a baby) , and it seperates us from being two adults living together and a couple.

I’m so frustrated that he doesn’t match my sexual energy. And even tonight, his last night off before he goes back to work, he chooses to spend it playing video games just like he always does. He never makes time for sex anymore , but he will make sure to make time for his games.

And I can never initiate the sex either because I get turned down EVERY time.

It’s always whenever he feels like having it , so I’m stuck waiting almost two weeks for him to initiate something..

I literally have resorted to just pleasuring myself 🙄

I try to talk to him about it and he just dismisses the convo .

Anyone else been in the same boat??