Improving relationship with parents

*Story bellow might be triggering for some*

I’ve been married 6 years, happy relationship, we have had our ups and downs like everyone but I feel like my husband knows more about me than my parents. (I’ve always felt like I had to have my guard up around my family). And my husband has helped my go through trauma from my past that my parents have no idea of. I’m at a point in my life where I feel maybe my parents should know or maybe me telling them now would break up the family. When I was young I was sexually molested by a relative from the ages 6-9 years old. I know they still see this person at every family birthday and holiday party. I don’t want to cause problems when when I finally feel like I’m in the most emotionally stable place I have ever been most of my life. But then maybe my parents deserve to know and maybe they’ll understand why I was always withdrawn