Developmental Delays?


A little precursor to this post. I think I’m mostly being a worried mother who tried to Google something simple about their baby and ended up finding more things to worry about.

My daughter will be 6 months old on Sunday and can roll over both ways, but hardly does it. She rolls to her side a lot though and it just seems like she doesn’t want to roll over. She also had a period of time where she LOVED trying to sit-up, but now when we try to help her sit up, she just leans back or wants to stand up. It seems like maybe it hurts her tummy sometimes to sit. She can balance on her own a little bit but then tips over. And when she’s propped up, she seems to always lean to the one side. Which brings me to what I was Googling. I noticed that her right leg mostly stays straight when we sit her up, and her left leg stays bent. I try to correct it but she always goes back to sitting that way. I think it’s only when she’s in the sitting position that her legs do this. But she also kicks her left leg all the time, but not her right as much. She’s able to kick her right leg, but doesn’t do it often unless the left one is kicking with it.

So all of this to say, does any of this seem out of the ordinary? I’ve read about how your baby will probably be trying to crawl at 6 months and roll all over the place and be sitting up, and my baby doesn’t really try to do any of that. She definitely can move herself all over the floor, but not by rolling over. I should mention that it took her longer than “normal” to get the hang of tummy time and she still doesn’t always love it. So I think that’s definitely part of why she’s taking a little longer with the other milestones.