Looking for unbiased relationship advice...


Hi! So my husband and I got in an argument recently, and since this community doesn't really know us I thought maybe I could ask for some UNBIASED relationship advice or opinions... I'm not gonna say which person took which side in the argument so hopefully I can just get your raw opinion on it.. Thanks so much to those who take the time.

Ok so here's the question..

Does it seem fair, in your opinion, to ask your partner to take you at your word when you are sure you remember something they did wrong a while ago, even though they have no memory of it? Is it fair to ask them to believe you and accept blame for it, and apologize to you for it? To you, would a response of "I don't remember, but if I did do that I'm sorry, and I'll try to do it differently next time," suffice? Or would it be important to you that they believe what you are telling them of what you remember, and then validate what you're saying/your experience by accepting blame and apologizing to you? What do you think?

Thanks so much in advance. My husband and I seem to be at an impass on this...