High risk, HPV positive

I’m 30. I had a Pap smear done on Tuesday Nov. 9. Pap smear came back okay except I may have a yeast infection. But also was tested positive high risk HPV.

What does this mean exactly, I feel a little stupid not knowing more about it except the fact that it’s actually very common to have and it can spread from skin to skin contact and/or through sexual activity. I’ve only had 5 partners in my life, one being from sexual assault.

I’m currently not sexually active, my last partner was from September but I don’t talk to him anymore or any of my past partners at all.

I’m a little freaked out because high risk can be linked to cervical cancer, all types of cancers run in my family history and it’s a Saturday so I can’t exactly call my doctor to ask questions. I got results last night while I was at work and wasn’t able to review them til this morning.

I don’t remember getting the Hpv vaccine, I’m sure I was a kid which is why I don’t remember but could I get it again at age 30?

Does anyone know what steps I need to take to rid of this or reverse it?

Clean eating, exercise? I read something about shiitake mushroom extract helping, anyone ever tried it? Where did you get it?

Anyway, please, any feedback would be so helpful! Thank you 😞