Friendships change after having kids

Hello ladies,

Wondering if anyone can relate

Have any of you had friendships/relationships change after having children?

I’ve had a friend for 25 years and we were really close. We had kids around the same age, and she got weird after she had her son. Her son is 3, my daughter is 2. My daughter is successful, and my friends son isn’t as much, and it bothers her to the point she doesn’t want to speak to me much anymore. We text here and there, but it’s not like it used to be. She doesn’t want to see me or my daughter anymore. I didn’t do anything to make my daughter be successful thats just the way she is, and it bothers people.

My husband thinks I should let it go, and accept the fact that she is jealous of our daughters successfulness, but it bothers me. I think it bothers me because she still talks to the other friends in our circle, but she’s very cold with me. She also made new mom friends. It’s hard to let go of 25 years of friendship.

Has anyone else gone thru this?? Sometimes I think our relationship isn’t worth saving if she can’t be happy for me, but it’s still hard.

Edit- I don’t brag about my daughter.