Victim blaming v.s. Being protective

Brianica • Mama to my sweet little Armani💙 24 years young ❣️

1) teach her life skills/self defense and let her wear whatever she wants at whatever age.

2) teach her life skills/ self dense and let her wear crop tops w/shorts at most.

3) teach her life skills/self defense and ask her to continue to always cover up as much as she can.

Which mindset do you agree with more? I shared someone else’s status on Facebook and a girl I know commented this on the post. I do understand where she’s coming from and I’m 100% against victim blaming with SA/rape but I didn’t feel as though this type of protective mindset was victim blaming. I would never make my daughter feel like she’s trying to attract grown men with her (child) body because of something she wanted to wear but I would also not allow her to wear just anything she wants simply for her safety. When I got to thinking about it though She’s right, pedophiles will still prey on children who “dress like children” as well, so what would you say is the real reason we should monitor our girls clothing choices if it truly won’t stop pedophiles?

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