Low Progesterone and HCG not doubling


So, back in July I had an aspiration done because I had a missed miscarriage. Fast forward to November 6th and bam! I’m pregnant again! Not expected at all. I’ve been going to my doctor and getting my HCG levels checked. At first it was every other day but we went to once a week. Before the missed miscarriage I had an ectopic and lost my left Fallopian tube so my doctor is monitoring me super close. When I went to have my levels checked on November 17th my HCG levels were 4,505. As of the 24th, they are 21,641. My doctor left a note saying they are “rising well” but with my calculations they should have been closer to 40,000. The other thing is, my progesterone level was 8.2 and should have been higher than 10 at this point from everything I’ve read. Has anyone else experienced this? My ultrasound isn’t until 12/9 so I’m a little uneasy right now.